The short answer is yes!

As dog owners we love our four-legged companions endlessly, and we need to train our dogs and let them know what acceptable behaviour is. Part of this is making sure your dog listens to your commands, while giving him the confidence to handle different situation without being afraid or aggressive. This is how socialising you dog with other dogs and people can help.

Dogs who haven’t socialised with others are often fearful of new situations and circumstances – like meeting new people or going places. Socialising your dog through different activities like taking a walk in the woods or local park where they will meet others can help to ease anxiety. We don’t mean take them places that will scare or overwhelm them, it must be considered and taking into account their personality, and current level of confidence.


You should never force your dog into situations that scares them. Easing them into new interactions, activities and places can bring positive reinforcement from those experiences. These interactions can be anything from walking past people on the street, taking them to doggie day-care or even putting on the hairdryer at home when they are in the room.

Remember your dog need to feel safe while exploring these new situations and the safer he feels the more confident he becomes.

Lost Stolen Dog

Confident Dog


Not dissimilar to their human counterparts, playing with other dogs and meeting new ones on stimulates the investigative part of the brain and is good mental stimulation. Of course, you can do this with you dog at home by playing games with them or giving them problem solving toys. However, new scents, places, dogs and people add an enriched dynamic and your dog will be happier.

Lost Stolen Dog

Mental Stimulation


Many of us dog owners in the United Kingdom don’t have gardens, and exercise is essential for your dogs’ health and wellbeing. Therefore, it is important that we take our dogs out for regular walks and if possible and let them run and play. This will also help them release any pent-up energy, let off some steam and will then go home ready for a nice long nap.

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Healthy Dog


Are you one of the dog owners whose neighbour smiles at you but you know he is annoyed because your dog barks at the slightest sound? It can be frustrating for both parties and your dog. The reason they bark at every noise could be because they’re being protective or anxious.

By socialising your dog and with a bit of training, you can help calm these behaviour. They will have less of a reason to react like this if they feel safe around others.

Lost Stolen Dog

Happy Neighbours