© Copyright 2024 Lost Stolen Dog LTD.
Registered in England & Wales No. 13231834. All Rights Reserved.
Postcode Pets has 124 individual Postcode groups that cover the whole of the UK Their concept is to help reunite lost and found pets with their owners whilst also offering help and advice. The majority of missing pets are found within the specific postcode area they are missing from and some from the bordering postcode area Posting on the specific area group can quickly help to locate and reunite lost or found pets with their owners. Please when posting or sharing onto their groups always put the first part of the postcode as this helps to define the location even more. Facebook
Muddypawscrime is a missing pet/stolen pet/animal welfare group led by director Lisa Loops under Leomina Productions Ltd. They are a voice for owners and animals and also deal with other issues such as dog wardens/fees and have a high success rate in helping what police deem civil matters. They base each case that comes to them upon facts and will liase with police or any authority if required. They also have the support of members of parliament and police crime commissioners after successful meetings with both. Please find them on Facebook or email.
With Lost Stolen Dog, we control the situation for you. Being ‘proactive and not reactive’ means that your information could reach over 500+ people in your area within a couple of minutes!
The Dogs Trust reports that in the UK, around 2,000 dogs are stolen each year. In the unfortunate event that your dog is lost or stolen, simply activate an ‘alert’ with our easy reporting system.
Activate your ‘alert’ at the same time you inform the police. Don’t delay – every second counts!